Hi.. Hola.. Salut, My name is Leslie
I'm an Multilingual Afro-Cuban who likes to travel. I've been living in the USA for 6 years now, from F1 student to H1B. Before that, I was living in Senegal, West Africa(One of the happiest place I have ever been to). I’ve traveled to approximately 7 countries, and plan on doing more traveling and blogging it.
Follow me through my journey of discovering what’s out there; and who knows, I may meet you one day.
Destinations guides, food, handy tips( Visa, H1B, etc) based on personal experience will be discuss to help you out.
I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!
If you have any questions,suggestions,etc… Please contact me at thetravelingimmigrant@gmail.com